China Standard Time (CST)
Current time
The current time is Saturday, Feb 22, 2025, 22:56:08 .
Offset from UTC: +0800
China Standard Time is 8 hours later than UTC, which is the international baseline that other time zones are compared to (also known as GMT).
In email headers and other technical contexts, this time zone is often expressed as +0800.
Daylight Savings
This time zone does not have Daylight Savings Time; the time is the same all year.
Similar time zones
The following time zones are equivalent to China Standard Time. Note that they may not share the same observance of (or schedule for) Daylight Savings Time.
- Brunei Darussalam Time (BNT)
- Hong Kong Time (HKT)
- Malaysia Time (MYT)
- Philippine Time (PHT)
- Singapore Time (SGT)
- Ulaanbaatar Time (ULAT)
- Western Standard Time (WST)